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Incredible Journeys

New Zealand wildlife on the move

Ned Barraud


Many New Zealand’s animals make incredible journeys as part of their everyday lives. In this children’s book from leading author and illustrator Ned Barraud, he uncovers the mystery behind New Zealand animal migration and feeding journeys. Incredible Journeys: New Zealand wildlife on the move includes animals such as godwits, albatross, crayfish, turtles, longfin eels, white sharks and humpback whales. With a map tracing each journey, this is an awe-inspiring book for any child interested in New Zealand wildlife.



ISBN: 9781988550299 - HB; 9781988550282 - PB Product code: 6296 Categories: ,


Many New Zealand’s animals make incredible journeys as part of their everyday lives. In this book from leading author and illustrator Ned Barraud, he uncovers the mystery behind where many of our animals go. Toroa/albatross can spend years at sea roaming the windswept Southern Ocean, only coming ashore to breed. Kōura/crayfish often undertake long walks along the seabed for hundreds of kilometres – no one really knows why. Tuna/longfin eels leave our lakes and rivers to make one final journey into the Pacific Ocean, where they produce eggs for a new generation, before they die. And who would have thought that tawaki/Fiordland crested penguins would leave our southern coastline to travel up to 7000 kilometres in search of food. These are only some of the fascinating stories of travel and migration in Incredible Journeys, an awe-inspiring book for any child interested in our wildlife.

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hardback edition, paperback edition


Hardback and Paperback




Ned Barraud


October 2021


270 x 230mm

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